WA Branch - Lived Experience perspectives of SP services

2024 WA Branch Lived experience perspectives of Speech Pathology services 

Join us for a Lived Experience Event: Enhancing Speech Pathology Services 

Discover how Speech Pathologists can better collaborate with clients through real-life perspectives.  

Hear from four local speakers, including neurodivergent caregivers, an adult AAC user, and a speaking SP service user. 

Plus, gain insights from Curtin Honours students on "Neurodiversity Affirming Healthcare: Barriers and Facilitators"

Date: Tuesday, 29th October 2024 

Time: 6:30pm - 8:30 pm

Place: Harvard Room (Trinity on Hampden), 230 Hampden Road, Crawley WA-6009

Price: Complimentary

RSVP by Monday, 14th October 2024 so you don't miss out. 

For registration queries, please contact SPA Events Team

29/10/2024 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
W. Australia Standard Time
Harvard Room Trinity on Hampden 230 Hampden Road Crawley WA 6009
By proceeding with your registration, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions.

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