Speech Pathology Australia welcomes phonics in Victorian schools

Speech Pathology Australia welcomes the critical changes to Victorian schools that will help Victorian children to learn to read.


Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) welcomes today's announcement by the Allan Labor Government to embed evidence-based teaching and learning practices in Victorian schools from 2025 – a priority SPA and the profession have long advocated for.  

The focus on explicit teaching through systematic synthetic phonics, aligns with growing evidence that supports its effectiveness in teaching children to read.  

As specialists in language development and communication disorders, speech pathologists are primed and committed to supporting the successful implementation of these reforms.  

While some children have diagnosed speech and language disorders, there are also many who may not yet have had this identified. This is where speech pathologists become indispensable in multidisciplinary teams, championing inclusive education and supporting diverse learners. 

SPA also celebrates the books that foster language and literacy, highlighted in the recently announced 2024 shortlist of the Speech Pathology Book of the Year Awards. The Awards celebrate the best books for language and literacy development and showcase the role speech pathologists play in helping children develop these skills.  

"I’m pleased to see the long-awaited changes to reading instruction in Victorian public schools announced today," said Speech Pathology Australia President, Kathryn McKinley

“We’ve been advocating for the introduction of systematic synthetic phonics into the curriculum for a long time. 

“A child's early years at primary school are critical for learning to read and this change means that no child will be left behind. 

“SPA is committed to supporting the successful implementation of these reforms. 

“Speech pathologists can play a critical role in this process, particularly in the areas of phonemic awareness, oral language development, and early literacy intervention.  

“Our members are equipped to support educators and students, ensuring that all children, including those with speech, language, and communication needs, can achieve their full potential. 

“We commend the Victorian Government for its commitment to evidence-based practice in education.  

“We look forward to continuing to work with educators, policymakers, and other stakeholders to enhance language and literacy outcomes for all Victorian students.” 


Media contact: Mingsia Lee, 1300 368 835 or Rebecca Faltyn 0439 385 769  

Speech Pathology Australia is the national peak body representing more than 15,000 speech pathologists. The Association supports and regulates the ethical, clinical and professional standards of its members, as well as lobbying and advocating for access to services that benefit people with communication and swallowing support needs. 


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