Student ethics essay competition

After the success of the 1st student ethics competition in 2022, Speech Pathology Australia’s Ethics Board are excited to announce a 2nd competition, to be held in 2024! 

The goal of the competition is to encourage students to consider ethical considerations within clinical practice, real life ethical decision making examples and explore tools you will use to navigate them whilst you are in training for your future career. 

The winning essay will be published in a forthcoming edition of the Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology in 2025.

The Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology (JCPSLP) is a major clinical publication of Speech Pathology Australia.

JCPSLP is published three times each year, in March, July, and November and receives submissions from esteemed national and international researchers and clinicians from across the Speech Pathology profession. Publication within this journal would be a worthy inclusion on your CV and an admirable discussion topic during future job interviews. 

Find out more about the criteria, essay requirements and submission instructions. 

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