Communicate your way this 

Speech Pathology Week 


It's Speech Pathology Week! Over the next 7 days join us as we celebrate the wonderful Australian speech pathologists who work with the more than 1.2 million Australians with communication and swallowing support needs.

Effective communication is key to building connections and understanding. This Speech Pathology Week, learn more about the vital role speech pathologists play in helping people of all ages. Get involved and spread awareness about the importance of communication.

This year's theme 'Communicate Your Way' explores the many ways that people communicate.

Communication is more than speech

Did you know that speech pathologists help with more than just speech? From language development to swallowing, certified practicing speech pathologists have specialist knowledge to help the more than 1.2 million Australians with communication support needs.

Everyone communicates differently. Such as spoken, signed, digital, and written communication.  

 Why is communication important?

Communication bridges gaps, fosters meaning and understanding, and strengthens a person's relationships in all aspects of life. 

The way a person communicates doesn't matter. What matters is the exchange of meaning between people, so the message gets through.  

 How do speech pathologists help?

Certified practicing speech pathologists empower people to communicate their way. This might include supporting people to use their voice to speak, helping people to use aided devices such as AAC aids and technology. Unaided supports also help people to communicate, these include Auslan and Keyword sign.  

  Who needs support to communicate?

In Australia more than 1 million people need support to communicate and get their message across. This might include people with disabilities, people who have had a stroke, or children with developmental language delay, for example.  

Speech pathologists are the university-trained allied health professionals who help people achieve their communication goals. 

Useful links

Find a speech pathologist

More about what speech pathologists do

Choose a speech pathologist

About communication needs

Are a parent or carer of a person with communication support needs? Find out more about communication disability and hear from other people with communication support needs via the

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